Christian Mayer wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a reason why SimGear/misc/zfstram.hxx was changed from
> #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
> #  include <zlib.h>
> #else
> #  include <simgear/zlib/zlib.h>
> #endif
> to
> #include <zlib.h>

Apart from fixing all occurances of the single #include <zlib.h> FGFS
complied staight away under MSVC!! (If I'd have a Champange bottle I'd
open it). 

But there are still the old runtime problems :( (JSBsim #NAN and LaRCsim
won't let me start the engine)


The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague

Whoever that is/was; (c) by Douglas Adams would have been better...

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