On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 09:55:59 -0500, David Megginson

>Jon S. Berndt writes:
> > Excellent. Is there an X-15 model?  :-)
>Seriously, there probably won't be one from me.  My main interest is
>civil propeller-driven planes, and after I've fixed up the DC-3 model,
>I'll probably do a C-310 3D model, followed by a Twin Otter (if I can
>manage a JSBSim or YASim aero model to go with it) and maybe a Dash-8
>(ditto).  I might be interested in some civil jets like the DC-9, but
>I'm unlikely to be making any military or NASA models (not even a
>That said, it might be possible to animate the X-15 model that we
>already have, assuming that the various objects in the model are

Could you do a short 'how-to' on the model
building/naming/texturing please? Then I might be able to
contribute something useful at last!

Actually, I've been doing quite a bit of research and have
various 3-views etc but I'd like a run through of the process
you use and surface naming etc.

Unfortunately I'm not running FGFS ATM as various hardware and
OS shufflings need to take place before it becomes worthwhile
again. When that's done I might even get PPE to generate a
non-zero frame rate!


David Farrent and Dougie O'Hara on the Cold War 
role of the ROC: 'What a world of sorrow is hidden 
in those few words - "[Post attack] crew changes 
would have been based on crew availability."'

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