Curtis L. Olson writes:
>I'd be happy if somewone could find a decent code [re]formatter that
>gave us enough flexibility to make our own style choices and didn't
>have glaring ommission or do really stupid things.

astyle is the only 'free' beautifier I know of that does a reasonable
job on c++   < templates exceptions try blocks ect > 
It only has a limited set of styles available though so you have to 
accept one of the more standard ones unless you want to write
some code

My self I find the default settings 'just work' for me

>BTW, Norman, are you having fun hitting all the religeous hot buttons
>here since your return? :-)

In all honesty I hadn't thought of it that way but if these are truely 
'religeous' hot buttons then they probably need to be brought up 
once in a while :-)



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