Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > With the latest changes from cvs, I come up by default and see the
 > instruments but no instrument panel / background.  The propeller is
 > spinning off center to the left.  From the left seat, the prop should
 > be off center to the right I think.  (Or do they fly on the other side
 > of the victor airways in Canada?) :-)

There is no background because you see the 3D model's panel behind the
instruments.  If you're not seeing the 3D model panel behind the
instruments, make sure you're using the latest base package and source
code from the CVS.

 > One problem I saw is that if you pitch up/down the view from the
 > 'inside the cockpit' view and then switch to an external view, the
 > aircraft model itself is left at the 'view' pitch offset which is
 > incorrect.

Yes, I'm seeing this in the newest code as well.

All the best,


David Megginson

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