Norman Vine wrote:
 > I could care less about those folks running FGFS in a window this is
 > a FlightSIM and the operative word is FRAMERATE which any windowing
 > system KILLS.

This really isn't true anymore.  It used to be that a big part of the
rendering time in windowed mode was the blit of the final image into
the frame buffer, and this could be skipped (replaced with a page
flip) if the "window" was the whole framebuffer.

This just isn't the anymore with the memory bandwith available to
modern cards.  The resolutions we render at haven't changed
significantly since the Voodoo2 days, but the memory bandwith has gone
up by an order of magnitude.  What used to give a 20% speedup is now
an almost immesurable 2%.  (Yes, those numbers are completely made up).

If you see a significant boost to frame rate in game mode, my
suspicion is that what you're seeing is the horrifically slow updates
to the windows text console, and not the lack of a page flip

Also, at least under X11, "game mode" in fact renders to a completely
normal window.  There is no page flip optimization done, to my
knowlege.  Dunno about windows OpenGL drivers.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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