Steve Baker wrote:
> Can we add this tool into PLIB in the 'tools' area?  It would be a
> marvelous addition.

All yours.  As I pointed out, though, it's definitely a tool of the
"duct tape and fishing line" variety.  :) It expects to find a
ghostscript interpreter and ImageMagick's "mogrify" program on the
command line, takes a .afm font metrics file as its sole argument, and
expects that the font therein is accessible to ghostscript.
Basically, it should work out of the box on most linux distributions,
and nowhere else without a lot of work.

If you have a TrueType font that you want to generate:

  export GS_FONTPATH=<wherever the font is>
  ttf2afm yourfont.ttf > whatever.afm whatever.afm

Wait for a while (at 16x downsampling, this takes 1-2 minutes on my
Athlon 1800+), and the .txf file will appear in the current directory.
It will have the Postscript language name of the font.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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