David Megginson writes:
>That's what I had thought as well, but it turned out not to be the
>case.  The string constructor is expensive, and we ended up using lots
>(and lots and lots of them), running, as we were, 30-100 iterations
>per second through hundreds of properties.  Switching from string to
>char * gave a noticable framerate improvement -- even Norm was happy.

< nitpick >
happier is a better word choice
< /nitpick >

as far as I am concerned creating an ASCII property path
is a waste of time and should not be used anywhere inside 
the 'main loop'.

It does have it's place during initialization and when processing 
User Interaction that is not 'normally' done every frame

IMHO this is analagous to using 'text' vs 'binary' files 
each has it's place and there is a very clear winner if
there are 'performance' issues to consider



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