Jon Stockill writes:

 > Is there any sort of "master" database from which all this can be
 > generated? Or should we create one?

No and yes.  Note that I'm discussing only the external format, not
the internal format someone might use in a SQL master repository (or

That said, these are *small* data tables from a DBMS point of view --
they fit into memory trivially easily on most PCs, so an RDBMS isn't
strictly necessary to manage and process them; it's just a

 > Obviously, once we have the information in a managable format
 > producing data files in any required format is a lot easier. It'd
 > also make updates much simpler - I know one of my local strips
 > actually consists of 1 closed surfaced runway, and a selection of
 > grass strips - currently the database only has the surfaced runway
 > in (EGCJ if anyone's *that* interested).

My idea earlier today should allow faster updates.  Instead of having
one single master file, we have a separate one for each country or (in
the case of the US and possible Canada and other airport-heavy
countries) a separate file for each state or province.  If you wanted
to add to or update a UK airport, you could simply send your update to
the UK file maintainer, and she or he could test it, merge it, and
check it in.

Right now, I'm almost a month behind on most of the patches in my
Inbox, and I don't know if Curt's much better.  You don't want anyone
like us delaying updates.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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