Simon Fowler writes:
> What about simply putting all the airport files in the scenery, and
> having a script that searched through the scenery directories for
> all the *-apt.xml files and built/updated a set of indexes from
> them? That keeps the files in the right place, and gives the indices
> needed to get fast lookups based on whatever criteria are needed.

Sounds good to me 

Now we just need to figure out what we want for indices

The way I see it we have two radically different needs
  1)  Search by name
  2)  Search by location

1) is easy and we could just use metakit or any other disk based 
     indexable file  < I have suggested using a trie >

2) is a little more complicated but we allready have a good start
     if we leverage the Scenery directory structure
     I suggested using a quadtree for each 10x10 degree block
     but there are spherical indexing methods that might be better
     in that there is no cos(lat) shrink factor to account for when doing
     range lookups.  Here is a link to a good one
     note this package is near optimum for a "show all points within
     X distance" when on a sphere and should be great at keeping 
     an updated list of radio frequencies that were within range
     at 'altitude'.  This is not a trivial task



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