Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > I know this is probably opening a can of worms, but I just thought I'd
 > throw this out to the list now so people could start thinking about
 > and/or discussing the issues.
 > Currently SimGear is a set of libraries, each of which is licensed
 > under the *L*GPL.
 > FlightGear is also mostly a set of libraries (with some top level
 > wrapper code) that is entirely GPL'd.

Well, GPL or freer.  Some of the code that I've written that doesn't
incorporate anyone else's is explicitly PD, though that leaves you
free to make it GPL if you want.

My opinion is already on the record, so I'll just restate it quickly:
I prefer Public Domain to LGPL (and LGPL to GPL), both because it
makes it easier for companies to use the code without waiting for
approval from the legal department, and because I don't believe in
making threats I'm not willing to keep (I'm not going to bankrupt
myself suing Microsoft if they steal my code, so why pretend that I

If people cannot stomach Public Domain, then something freer than
LGPL, such as BSD or Perl artistic, would be preferable.  The issue in
any case is getting permission from original authors who contributed
under the GPL; here's a start:

  I hereby grant permission for any code or other digital objects I've
  contributed to FlightGear, SimGear, TerraGear, or the FlightGear base
  package to be relicensed under the LGPL or a less restrictive license,
  up to and including Public Domain.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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