Arnt Karlsen writes:

 > .."public domain" equals "the author drops or donates his copyright 
 > to the public domain"?   

It means that the work is released into the public domain.  There is
no donation, because no one owns (or can own) copyright on their
original work, though people can copyright derivatives.

 > My understanding of the *gpl is "keep the copyright as a legal 
 > instrument to enforce the donation in court against those who 
 > try to deny the public its donated good", which _makes_ it
 > legally enforceable.  I don't see "pd" as being enforceable.

Not quite -- the GPL is designed to force people to make their
modifications or improvements publicly available, something that does
not concern me so much.  Something that is in the Public Domain
remains in the Public Domain; otherwise, publishers would be able to
restrict Jane Austen's novels or Shakespeare's plays (rather than just
the publisher's editorial contributions).

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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