Andy Ross writes:

 > So basically, you have the plane in an unusual flight environment.
 > Real planes are almost never flying this fast at this altitude;
 > they'll be at ~300 KIAS or so and using the extra available thrust for
 > climbing.

Counter-example: a few years ago, I flew from Ottawa to Heathrow
direct in an Air Canada 747-400.  It made a stop at Montreal Dorval to
pick up more passengers before starting the transatlantic leg.  CYOW
to CYUL is about 85 nm, and we stayed below the flight levels for the
whole way.

Second counter-example: 767s often fly between Ottawa and Toronto (196
nm), usually no higher than FL180.

Still, the point is valid -- a 747 doesn't cruise that fast at low

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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