> You mean that the view is looking too far up, above the level of the
> instruments, right?  Not that there's a rendering error preventing
> them from being drawn?

That's right, it's only the direction of view, not rendering itself.

> It's actually a little deeper than that.  The keypad "8" view control
> sets the view straight ahead.  But that's too high for a typical
> fighter panel.  For visibility reasons, military jets essentially put
> the panel in the pilots lap.  The a4-set.xml file defines the default
> configuration for view 0 as looking down by 170 to give a better
> default view.


> FWIW, I have a joystick hat mapped to pan the view and use that
> exclusively.  Once you get used to the 3D cockpit, you really don't
> mind the lack of a default.  If I want to look down, I just look down.

Waiting for the day when I have a proper yoke/stick/pedal/throttle/hat
switch/bottle holder/ejection seat input device myself. Doing all this
with a single mouse is a pain.


Major Andras
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    www:    http://andras.webhop.org/

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