I'm quite sure that what I'm seeing is a driver (or possibly Flightgear?)
bug rather than rendering precision problems though since the same card
renders Flightgear perfectly under Windows.

Cheers - Dave

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On 12/12/02 at 1:04 PM Jim Wilson wrote:

>FWIW I'm also seeing a significant degree of what appears to be z-buffer
>fighting with geforce2 at 24bpp.  The c310-3d panel goes grey at certain
>and the c172-3d and a4-yasim panels display a lot of instability in the
>rendering (problems between layers in the instruments), although they do
>go grey.  The fighting is more pronounced with instruments at an increased
>angle from the camera vector.
>David Luff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> FWIW, the grey panel with the Radeon 7500 and the DRI drivers still
>> persists despite the patch to fix this behaviour with the ATI binary
>> drivers.
>> Cheers - Dave
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