Jim Wilson writes:

 > Between YASim, JSBsim, and the U-3A 3d-model we've got three
 > "origins" that represent the approximate position of the aircraft.
 > JSBsim is 0.2m higher than the 3D model and YASim is 0.2m lower.
 > It'd be nice if the two FDM's agreed with each other, at least on
 > the height above ground for the origin.  That way I could adjust
 > the model to work correctly with both.

That's the hard part.  The POH and the TCDS give the standard origin
on the X axis (the weight and balance reference datum), and the origin
on the Y axis can be assumed to be the centreline of the plane, but
where do you put the Z origin?  For a single, the thrustline of the
propeller might be a good choice; alternatively, the cabin floor at
the firewall (right in front of the rudder pedals) should work for any
aircraft, and the ground sort-of works, as long as you're consistent
about strut compression.  I'm not big on rules and standards, but we
could publish a list of friendly suggestions for all aero and 3D modellers:

1. Put the X axis origin at the published weight-and-balance reference

2. Put the Y axis origin at the centreline of the plane.

3. Put the Z axis origin [where? the ground?].

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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