Jon Berndt writes:

 > > 1. Put the X axis origin at the published weight-and-balance reference
 > >    datum.
 > 1) Respect the manufacturer's structural coordinates, if known. If not,
 > place the X axis origin at the published weight and balance reference
 > datum. If not known, place the X axis origin at the tip of the aircraft
 > nose or propeller hub - whichever is farther forward (not including probes
 > or antennas).

The C310 provides an interesting case here, since the later versions
have a longer nose -- that's why the firewall might make more sense as
a default X origin (or the leading edge of the wings at the root).

 > > 2. Put the Y axis origin at the centreline of the plane.
 > Yes.

OK, that's a no-brainer.

 > > 3. Put the Z axis origin [where? the ground?].
 > Place the Z axis origin as specified by the manufacturer's structural
 > coordinate system, if known. If not, place the Z axis origin at the tip of
 > the nose or propeller hub that the X axis origin is located at. This would
 > place the origin for the entire axial system at the nose or propeller hub.

Sounds reasonable.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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