Norman Vine writes:

 > also note I think we would all be happy with a 15hz instrument update
 > if it meant we went from a 30hz to a 60hz screen refresh rate :-)

For VFR, usually; for IFR, never.  Even in VFR, we have to watch the
instruments closely sometimes -- on final approach, I want the update
on the ASI to be as fast as the outside scenery.

 > misc thoughts:
 > We could maintain current_value,  last_value and a redraw_value
 > for each instrument and each frame check to see if the instrument 
 > needed refreshing. This would be real quick and hardly add any delay
 > in the worse case scenario where all of the instruments needed refresh
 > but could potentially save a *lot* of work !

I'm sure that we could do something useful with this, but I have
trouble believing that it is the most productive use of talent.  Your
(Norm's) suggestions for scenery imposters, for example, would
probably add much more value to FlightGear, as would textured roads
and a whole boatload of other features we don't have yet.

 > ie in quasi steady flight conditions most instruments would probably go 
 > minutes before needing a refresh esp. if we were smart about the delta
 > value that required an update.

Not very likely, at least not if you're serious about the 'quasi'
part.  In straight-and-level cruise, you might get away with a 0.25sec
update, but the pilot must be able to see tiny altitude and heading
deviations in time to correct them.  

 > Also note that if this were done as a 3D cockpit rather then a monolithic 
 > Panel then each instrument would capable of being individually culled 
 > by SSG eliminating anywork required for that instrument

Agreed.  In general, I think that we can make 3D instruments more
efficient.  The biggest hit right now is rendering those
high-resolution textures we're using -- that's why people with low
texture memory on the GPUs are seeing FlightGear crawl with a panel

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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