David Luff writes:
> As for 1.0, although its just a number, I personally think its a
> pretty significant number, and probably worth a bit of work
> polishing bugs , user interface, and installation problems out as
> much as possible before release.


Definitely we want to get out releases that have no major bugs and
have all installataion issues resolved.  However, there are a couple
things that work against us.

1) Time.  Putting out a good release takes an immense amount of time.
   I figured that I had at least 40 hours of real time into the
   0.8.0/0.9.0 release.  That's over and above my real job, my family,
   etc. etc.  People need to realize how much time, and how much
   effort putting out a good quality release actually is.  People
   might argue that there were still a lot of problems with the
   0.8.0/0.9.0 release which goes to my point exactly.  I really
   needed to find 80 or 120 hours or more to do things right.

2) There seems to be a principle at work that very few people download
   and test development and pre-releases.  Mostly it's a few
   developers who already know all the tricks, already have all the
   prerequisites on their systems, etc.  This means that the big flood
   will come after 1.0 is officially released.  That will be when all
   the bugs and installation issues and other problems are reported,
   and unfortunately not before.  I'm open to suggestions, but I've
   tried a lot of things already, and what ever I do has to be able to
   fit into my reasonable time limitations.

   Finding bugs after a release isn't necessarily bad in the grand
   scheme of long term flightgear development, but it can make it look
   like we do a careless job, or ignore certain platforms or
   compilers.  I can vouch for Debian Linux since that's what I run
   personally, but I don't have time or resources to build and test on
   other platforms myself.

   This probably goes to David's point that CVS is actually the most
   stable, becuase it's not until after we do a major release that the
   bulk of the real bug reports and usability issues start pouring in.
   However, I'm usually not keen on another 40-80 hour go around right
   after finishing the last release.

3) Expectations are somewhat different for us than many other
   open-source applications like "autoconf/automake".  Those guys just
   wrap up a tarball and release it and are done.  We have to
   coordinate with the base package release, people expect prebuilt
   binaries, cd-rom images, etc.  I'd love to just do a source code
   release, it would make my life simpler.  Maybe I should consider it
   seriously.  But then inevitably, I personally (since I'm the
   primary flightgear contact) get flooded with questions, complaints,
   people howling that they shouldn't be expected to compile an
   application from scratch, or have to learn unix, or have to read
   instructions, or type from a command line, etc. etc.  People want a
   Windows/Mac/Linux installer.  Download one big file, double click
   on the icon and it's installed and all perfectly native to
   whichever platform they are on.  I haven't the time to do this
   myself, and apparently (since we don't have these sorts of things)
   no one else does either.  But there seems to be an underlying
   expectation that someone should be doing this stuff.  I'm not sure
   who that would be though.

4) There is too much of an attitude or expectation overall that some
   magical core of developer(s) (i.e. someone else) will do
   everything, and make everything work, so that any end user can then
   point and click and everything works perfectly the first time.
   But, none, or very few end users are willing to try the development
   and prereleases and report bugs in advance.  A few "other people"
   are expected to keep all the documenation perfectly in sync with
   development.  "Others" are supposed to make sure everything works
   perfectly with your platform, etc. etc.  I think our limited
   attempts to do this draw people into thinking that "others" have
   infinite time and should just make it all work magically.

   But this is open source, we are the "other" people that need to
   make sure this happens.  I can do a bit of it, David can do a bit,
   Norman, Erik, Christian, Andy, etc. etc. (not to single out
   specific people).  

   But when FlightGear-1.0 doesn't build cleanly on (for instance)
   Mandrake version X.Y.Z using gcc-x.y.z who's to blame?  The person
   encountering the problem needs to recognize that the developers
   have done their best and already put in way more time than they
   should have.  We need a lot more help in these sorts of areas than
   we are getting.

   I'm not really ranting against end users here.  I understand that a
   lot of them really don't have the tools or experience or resources
   to make useful bug reports or participate in fixing problems
   themselves.  But when they do run into problems, they need to have
   a bit of an understanding of what to expect in terms of who might
   fix them problem and how soon.

We really are trying to make this as easy on people as possible and
accessible to the masses, but to do so is an incredible amount of
work.  Much more work than one or two or three people can do in their
spare time.  Long ago I gave up striving for perfection.  Instead I
strive to do the best I can do in the time I have.  If we want to do
better than that, we need a lot more help from a lot more people.

> It might also make a good opportunity to test Curt's contention that
> the front page of Slashdot wouldn't break his servers :-)

I say bring it on. :-)

> There seem to be some problems with the JSBSim gear model which I'd
> have down as a show-stopper for 1.0,

I haven't heard this discussed.  You should probably take this up with
Jon/Tony on the JSBSim list.

> and I'd have thought that displaced thesholds and the arrows
> pointing to them would have to be pretty high on the list of
> features that would be expected to make it in.

Do we actually have these in our airport data?  If so (or if the data
could be added) I'd be willing to work on it.  The airport code is
still relatively fresh in my mind.

> My personal hope as a non-US citizen is that world-wide DEM-3 data
> from STRM becomes available prior to 1.0, but I'm not holding my
> breath on that one any more.

I grabbed the 30 meter (1 arcsec) USA data, but I haven't had time to
start looking at building scenery from it.  That's another can of
worms ... there is a ton of things in terragear that I'd like to go
through and rework and improve ... someday ...


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org

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