Michael Basler writes:

 > We also might look into what's already been done for FS2002 (or below). Even
 > if we can't get actual developers of (PD) add-on Scenery on board for
 > FlightGear, we might profit from their knowledge. I am pretty sure, there
 > are several developers of (free) add-ons with terminal maps

Thanks.  The terminal and gate maps are not a problem -- this
information is trivially easy to get for any U.S. airport.  From these
maps, I can get the placement of buildings and their x/y dimensions,
but I cannot get any z (height) dimensions or anything about their
physical appearance.

 > Not sure if this approach will work, but might be worth a try. If
 > you think it's reasonable, I might check what's available for
 > FS2002 from a few sites I know and give you a digest.

If any developers have buildings they'd like to share, that would be
great; otherwise, I'll probably base any models on actual photos.

Thanks, and all the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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