> > Just an idea: how about using the HP TestDrive farm? They have some
> > nice computers there such as a quad 1GHz Alpha. It would be
> > necessary to ask for their permission first, but this being an
> > open-source project, I wouldn't think this would be a problem. We
> > can then give credit on the website or so.
> What kind of disk space can they give us?

I've just checked, the central file space is 160GB, which is about 50%
full right now. It's shared via NFS, unfortunately, so it's not that
good really. They still have impressive computing power, I've just
checked that they have a 4x800MHz Itanium and a 4x1GHz Alpha. The
Itanium has 4GB of RAM, as many of the SMP systems they have.

All in all, if it's really just copying data around, then it would be
best to do it on a PC with a lot of (local) disk space. From your
experience, what difference does CPU speed, the number of CPUs, and
the amount of RAM make? As someone else has said, disk space isn't
that expensive, and if we get a donation, you could set up a new
heater^H^H^H^H^H^HPC in your house with a 1TB RAID made of 4 IDE disks
or so.


Major Andras
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    www:    http://andras.webhop.org/

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