> On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 10:27:39 -0700 (PDT)
>   Gene Buckle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >If he flies for Aeroflot, they may not notice the
> >difference. *gd&r*
> You guys are scaring me. ;-)

You've obviously never seen an Aeroflot flight before. :)

When they first started flying into KSEA in the early 90's, there was a
big flap about one pilot preparing a picture perfect approach.  To I-5.
Fortunately, he either noticed or was notified in time find the OTHER big
concrete bit he needed to land on.

I once witnessed an Aeroflot jet on approach to KSEA that had an
alignment problem actually horse the jet into a 45 degree bank, haul it
about a quarter mile to the west to get on the right approach.  Freaked me
out on the ground just watching it.  I don't want to think about what
those poor passengers were going through. :)

There's an old joke that goes something like this:

Aeroflot Pilot:  "My, these American runways are VERY short!"
       CoPilot:  "Yes, but look how incredibly WIDE they are!"



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