Martin Spott writes:

 > > Further to Curt's last post about flattening rivers, how would
 > > everyone feel about flattening airports?
 > When you look at large airports, say with runways over 3 km, you'll find
 > quite a few where the runways follow the terrain at least over a difference
 > in the elevation of several meters.

Absolutely -- at my home airport, for example, runway 14/32 (10,000
ft) has a significant hump in the middle.  We have one old 727 that
flies up north to Baffin Island every day, loaded so that it can
barely climb.  You can tell it's starting its takeoff roll because you
see a cloud of smoke over the horizon -- a few moments later, the
plane itself comes into view, struggling its way off the runway with
the nose hanging high in the air.  With all the drag, we give that one
at least three minutes (instead of the normal two) when it takes off
across our runway.

The problem is that we're not generally getting that right now anyway
-- we're just getting incorrect elevations.

All the best,


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