Norman Vine writes:
> David Megginson writes:
> > 
> > Norman Vine writes:
> > 
> >  > Have you tried preinserting some of the the higher res srtm1 data 
> >  > to terra innide of and on the edges of the airport polygons ?
> >  > 
> >  > This shoud be quite accurate.
> > 
> > Maybe *too* accurate -- at the resolution, a 747 parked on the field
> > will start to show up in the elevations, not to mention large hangars
> > and the terminal buildings.
> Whatever,  the point is try preinserting some points for the airports
> I think you will be pleasantly surprised  :-)

I would worry that preinserting points would yield spikes whenever the
FAA surveyed elevation differs from the SRTM data ... in otherwords
imagine the SRTM surface with spikes whereever we place our
"pre-inserted" points.

I think we would have to use the FAA surveyed data as "error"
correction terms and then interpolate these error correction terms
over the surface.  I plan to try that sometime when I get some time.

In otherwords ... start with the list of FAA surveyed points that you
know for certain.  For each of these also calculate the corresponding
SRTM elevation.  Now subtract the two to get the difference (or error

Do this for all the FAA surveyed points.

Now build a list of points of the form: (lat, lon, error) and
triangulate that.

Now for each point of the airport you can compute a true elevation by
taking SRTM height + the error term interpolated from our error

Not sure if that would introduce more problems than it solves but it
gives me warm fuzzy feelings at the moment. :-)

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at'             curt 'at'

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