David Megginson writes:

 > For example, private and student pilots with 100-149 hours accounted
 > for 309 fatal aircraft accidents in the U.S. from 1983 to 2000, while
 > private and student pilots with 350-399 hours accounted for 109
 > accidents.  Who's more dangerous?  It depends on how many pilots there
 > were in each category and how much they flew.  If there were three
 > times as many pilots with 100-149 hours as 350-399 hours -- or, more
 > importantly, if pilots in the 350-399 hour category flew three times
 > as many hours as the less experienced pilots -- then the fatal
 > accident rate for the more experienced pilots was actually higher.

OK, I'm obviously sleepy today after my flight last night.  Everywhere
I wrote "three times", replace with "a third", and the math might
actually make sense.

All the best,


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