David Culp writes:
> > It should be there in the an225 directory (requires recent
> > simgear/flightgear CVS.)  If you have that, make sure you did a cvs
> > update -d (to fetch newly created directories, which aren't fetched by
> > default.)
> It isn't there as of ten minutes ago, so I made one.  By the way, that's a 
> great model!
> Ah, I see the aircraft=an225-yasim email.  So, with the new 
> all-in-one-directory paradigm FlightGear knows that an225-yasim resides in 
> the directory an225?


> And aircraft=an255 would refer to a JSBSim 
> configuration called an225-set.xml or an225-jsbsim-set.xml?

No, jsbsim is the default fdm so if you specify a non-existant -set
file you end up running jsbsim with no aero specified.

> Also I get this console output on exiting
> (fresh CVS build as of this morining):
> Failed to untie property /consumables/fuel/tank[0]/level-gal_us
> Failed to untie property /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/level-gal_us
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[0]/fuel-flow-gph
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[0]/rpm
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[0]/mp-osi
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[0]/egt-degf
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[1]/fuel-flow-gph
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[1]/rpm
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[1]/mp-osi
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[1]/egt-degf
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[2]/fuel-flow-gph
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[2]/rpm
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[2]/mp-osi
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[2]/egt-degf
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[3]/fuel-flow-gph
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[3]/rpm
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[3]/mp-osi
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[3]/egt-degf
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[4]/fuel-flow-gph
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[4]/rpm
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[4]/mp-osi
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[4]/egt-degf
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[5]/fuel-flow-gph
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[5]/rpm
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[5]/mp-osi
> Failed to untie property /engines/engine[5]/egt-degf
> leave NewTgtAirportInit()

Did anyone change anything with property names recently?  My flight
recorder is also broke now. :-(


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at' me.umn.edu             curt 'at' flightgear.org
Minnesota      http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt   http://www.flightgear.org

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