On Wed, 03 Dec 2003 14:12:47 -0500, David Megginson

>Curtis L. Olson wrote:
>> Nope, it turns out that bathrooms are typically only on things like
>> 737's and DC-9's and stuff.
>Smaller planes have them as well -- on small business jets and turboprops, 
>one of the seats cushions often lifts up to reveal a small toilet, with a 
>curtain that you can pull around the seat.  Needless to say, the most junior 
>person is forced to sit on it during the flight, and standard protocol is 
>that no one except a pregnant woman or a very ill person (or, I guess, a 
>young child) is allowed to use it, no matter how long the flight.

Apparently Catalinas _did_ have a toilet (ELSAN), but not a
bathroom, as mentioned on this page.


More importantly, for those who wish to model this aircraft, it
details the use of drogues deployed from the rear blisters to
aid low speed handling when taxying on water.


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