"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> a) Unload the kernel's GART module during the autodetection and load
>>    NVidia's special kernel module,

> Nvidia's kernel module does have an AGP driver, but it is smart enough
> to not activate this portion of the driver if the linux GART module is
> already there.

As my memory serves this was not the case with early GeForce drivers
and I'm glad to hear that things changed in the meantime.

> Depending on your system, one or the other may work better for you
> though, so the nvidia readme encourages try the "other" one if you
> have problems with the first.  And nvidia does provide full source for
> their own kernel module.

There might be some misunderstanding here - I assume you mean the GART
part of their kernel module. They still link the 'nv-kernel.o' binary
object into their module.

>> b) replace the OpenGL libraries,

> Yes this is allowed.  Unfortunately XFree86/Mesa don't (or at least
> didn't) put the opengl libs where the linux standard said they should,
> nvidia did.

I'd expect libGL in /usr/lib/ where every other Unix puts it. To my
knowledge XFree86 doesn't behave different by default - you can choose
a different location on compile time by putting a 'host.def' with:

#define NothingOutsideProjectRoot YES

> [...]  That causes a huge mess if you have multiple opengl libs
> on your system [...]

I'd try to avoid having multiple sets of the same libraries and I can
confirm that this calls for trouble by default. I've been maintaining
my own Linux 'distribution' with the compiler for nearly 10 years now
and I must admit that I spent lots of time experiencing that you get
really bad results if you compile and install a set of libraries
without proper removing the remains of the previous version  :-)

>> c) run a special X Server.

> Nvidia gives you a new driver (nvidia vs. nv) for your X server, but
> you have never needed a special X server.

Good to know,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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