Ilja Moderau wrote:
> - engine sound in cockpit does not differ from outside engine sound
> - no cockpit light at night visible

These two are relatively easy.  The "outside" sound handling will
probably require some code, but nothing difficult.

> - no jetstream visible

I assume this means contrails?  (The "jet stream" normally refers
to the strong west winds above the tropopause in the middle
latitudes of the northern hemisphere).

Rendering contrails would require that someone write a module
that builds and caches an appropriate ssg node, updating it as
necessary to reflect the engines' paths.  Probably not trivial,
but it would be cool.

There was an otherwise forgettable "Strike Fighters" game
released about a year ago that did contrails really well.  You
could finish a dogfight and look up to see bright, looping
contrail traces of the fight in the sky.

> - engines can't be turned off

This is a limitation of the YASim jet model.  It wouldn't be hard
to throw something together so you could shut it off.  The
problem is that stopping and starting a *real* turbine engine is
a complicated process, which differs widely between specific
engine models.

So I guess I don't really see the point: the only purpose to
shutting an engine down is to practice starting it, which isn't
going to be realistic without a *lot* of work.  But I'm not firm
on this.  If enough people shout about it, I can hack up an
engine start for YASim. :)


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