Josh Babcock said:

> Jim Wilson wrote:
> Ok, so I have this nice generic fuel pump toggle switch that I made for my 
> x-100, which has a panel tilted at 15 deg.  I want to also use it in my x-200, 
> which has a panel with a vertical orientation.  If I just plug it in, one of 
> them will have a switch that is off by 15 deg.  Now, I can reuse the .ac model, 
> but I need to rotate it somehow, so I have to create a second .xml file for the 
> x-200 that has a -15 deg rotation animation in it.  Problem with this is a) I 
> have to create a new fuel-toggle.xml file, b) the x-200 is doing a rotation 
> transformation every frame that it doesn't have to and c) I would expect to
> rotation orientation in the same place as the offsets.  In other words, all six 
> degrees of freedom of movement for the model as a whole should be defined in
> same place.
> So being able to define a rotation for instruments in the x-200-model.xml file 
> instead of the fuel-toggle.xml file would be good.  Being smart enough to 
> recognize that it only needs to be done once is also good, though not nearly as 
> important.

Got it...I think.  AFAIK it is already in the same place as the offsets.  From
the 3D modeling howto:

    The distance to reposition the model along the x-axis.
    The distance to reposition the model along the y-axis.
    The distance to reposition the model along the z-axis.
    The angle by which to rotate the model around the z-axis.
    The angle by which to rotate the model around the x-axis.
    The angle by which to rotate the model around the y-axis.



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