David said:

> What IDE do you suggest me?

No ide is necessary for this type of app.  A good editor like emacs is fine. 
Half the time I just run the first gui editor I think of to do quick edits,
just because they'll usually support the common shortcut keys.

> What O.S.?

For this use any OS you want.  A lot of folks using Linux, most any distro
will do.  Mandrake is actually fine, gentoo might require a bit more
experience (or at least patience) to get started.

> Where do I start with OpenGL and C++ and FlightGear?
> What manual would you suggest?

Stroustrup is the standard reference for C++.  Not sure of any learning books.
OpenGL Programming Guide (The red book) is a standard.  There is a new OpenGL
version and the books aren't going to be out yet.  You can actually develope
using plib (the game library used by FlightGear) without knowing much about
OpenGL, but you may find the red book useful just for basic understanding
anyway.  Starting with FlightGear will probably involve finding something
you'd like to change (start small) and dive in.

Welcome and good luck!



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