Suggestions, suggestions... if the graphic interface can display most of the 
static things that can be displayed by a web browser (buttons, fonts, images, 
tables, etc), then I think we pretty much covered everything.  As for 
animations, the interface should be capable of doing what we can do with XML 

One thing that you may want to give more thoughts on is the methods for 
rendering the animations in the users' prespective.  This may very well be 
different from the actual implementation, but it will give you an idea as to 
how to make the life of the users easier.  Here is an example: 
For the user, things are "rendered" onto an abstract container first before 
they are displayed on an actual object in the scene.  The container acts like 
a piece of paper with a rectangle cut out: you may have something very big, 
but the containers will only show what is in the rectangle.  In addition, 
each container can contain other containers, and the user can define the 
position and orientation of these containers relative to their parent 
container.  This way, the user can combine many relatively simple animations 
into one complex animation.


On August 9, 2004 12:14 pm, Boris Koenig wrote:
> > I was talking about having a libary-like interface that can allow the
> > user to implement basic and advanced animations really easily.
> Okay, I think we agree here - Harald suggested already a basic framework
> for it, so it might make sense for those instrument designers to also
> make some suggestions about what exactly might be needed in such a
> library.

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