eagle monart wrote :

> thank you guys , finaly compiled the latest source : ))
>   but still i am looking for the puffy clouds that i saw in  devel mailing
> list.   How can I enable puffy clouds???   . I played with layers  types
> and also enable 3dclouds in fgrun but didnt succeed.

It is in View > Rendering options ( Flightgear menu, not fgrun's )

>   Also I everytime i compiled flightgear i see some rectangles on the ground
> and in the air..here are two screens
> http://s22.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3VSGYF2CMMS911EUK0QW4CFCSS
> http://s22.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0G451XWMBMCHN03PNCRTVFUWPA

I am unable to see your images, sorry.


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