Hi all.

I am making progress with my DHC-6:

- added and animated controll surfaces and propellers
- added a simple livery (proof of concept)
- added a very optimistic FDM (behaves like I think it should)

- http://thorben-mit-th.de/files/dhc6-alpha009.jpg
- http://thorben-mit-th.de/files/dhc6-alpha010.jpg
- http://thorben-mit-th.de/files/dhc6-alpha011.jpg

Download (yes, the file is GPL'd even if I forgot to say so inside):
- http://thorben-mit-th.de/files/dhc6-0509091.tar.gz

Solved Issues:
- I now know what messed up my uv-map and how to do it right

- blender has problems with flipping normals to the outside of the model 
automaticaly, so i had to do that by hand. It is likely that I overlooked a 
surface or two...
- the animations in general and especially the propellers are still slightly 
broken because I got the centers of rotation wrong but don't know how to get 
the right ones
- I have no idea how to do a proper livery where stuff is in the right places 
(except perhaps an awful lot of "trial and error" and guesswork)
- shadows are a bit broken (stuff shines through)

I took b1900d's FDM and modified it with a good deal of estimating and 
guesswork to resemble STOL flight characteristics. (You were right Curt, it 
was much fun.) However it perhaps behaves a bit too well-tempered. I don't 
know how DHC-6 reacts in real life, though I found some diagrams about the 
wing but I don't know how to use the data. (look here: 
http://gltrs.grc.nasa.gov/reports/2000/CR-2000-209921-VOL2.pdf ) If you find 
the gear reacts funny: I tried to make it as tough and bendy as I think it is 
in real life.
Erik: I tried to use your jsbsim FDM frist, but I was too stupid to get that 
to work...

- drawings and data, both FDM and cockpit related. (I don't need photos unless 
they are highly detailed)
- good ideas/hints

What I will do next:
- some more animation, mostly gear related (turning wheels, bouncing, 
- rough 3d frame of the cockpit
- wait for help on liveries.

You are all welcome to work on the stuff i already have, I am not afraid of 
interference with the stuff I do myself... (survival of the fittest stuff:-))

Curt: I don't think that my DHC-6 is ready for CVS yet, not with this ugly 



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