John Wojnaroski wrote:

Curtis L. Olson wrote:

John Wojnaroski wrote:

There will be some slight hesitations when new tiles are loaded. It's possible that a large dt could cause you to overshoot your target. If you factor dt into your control algorithm (if it's not already) that might help? I'd take a close look and see if dt spikes at the same time as your anomolies.

Okay, here is the point of the discontinuity. This is data on the FG side that is being sent to the sim

code snippets............
setting up the property pointers
p_altitude_agl(fgGetNode("/position/altitude-agl-ft", true)),
vel_kcas(fgGetNode("/velocities/airspeed-kt[0]", true)),

and then packing the data into the UDP packet and a temp file to save it
   data->v_kcas = vel_kcas->getDoubleValue();
//      speed_buf[s++] = vel_kcas->getDoubleValue();
     fprintf( speed, "%5d %f\n", s++, vel_kcas->getDoubleValue() );
     cout << s << " " << data->v_kcas << endl;
     if ( s > 10000 ) {
         s = 0;
         fclose( speed );
         speed = fopen( "velocity" ,  "w" );

and the point of the speed change (first number is just a frame counter for reference)

2874 249.876
2875 249.877
2876 249.876
2877 249.876
2878 249.877
2879 249.876
Altitude = 60
Temp at alt (C) = 17
Temp sea level (C) = 17.118
Altitude = 60
Dewpoint at alt (C) = 7
Dewpoint at sea level (C) = 7.012
2880 262.848
2881 262.848
2882 262.845
2883 262.841
2884 262.837
2885 262.833
2886 262.825
2887 262.822

Again, this is happening in FG. The intervening data is from the terminal at the point of the speed change and I assume this has something to do regards the tile data.

Any ideas, suggestions as to what is happening to cause the speed change. Might it be related to altitude, except the baro altitude is not changing. My hunch it is somehow related to fetching real world weather and atmospheric weather data not propagating to the new tile. With weather fetching turned off the problem goes away in that the baro setting is set to standard 29.92/1013 while with real weather the baro setting was 30.01

That output is from the real time weather fetcher. If the winds change when new weather is fetched, that could account for an instantaneous speed change (relative to the local airmass.)


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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