Well, I'd be careful with such assumptions. You're correct in that
FreeBSD-6.0 is not recommended for heavy-load production use (say FTP
service with 3k simultaneous connections, I don't know if
'ftp.cdrom.com' still exists).
Still you can assume that it eaily handles 1 GByte of RAM and more. My
bet is that the port of Inkscape to FreeBSD probably "doesn't match the
operating system close enough". My experience is that you often have to
deal with Linuxisms in OpenSource software which probably show obscure
behaviour on Unixes.

I just checked out the shell process limits and was shocked to find out datasize was limited to 1 GB. I vaguely recall I already had to up it from 512 MB to run FlightGear on FreeBSD a few months back.

So I just increased the values in /boot/loader.conf even further:


and, lo and behold, after a reboot the process limit is now at 2 GB and Inkscape can load the SVG, consuming a rather whopping 1266 MB of memory for a 12.9 MB image!

Unfortunately, because Inkscape is swapping all the time, editing the SVG is still almost an impossibility, but at least in principle it works now.

So I stand corrected: FreeBSD is a great operating system, it just has  some pretty stupid defaults for people who want to use big data sets. :-)


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