On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:42:16 +0200
Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Vivian Meazza -- Wednesday 13 June 2007:
> > Tim Moore has been hard at work recently (with the smallest of inputs by
> > me), and has ported the improved weather radar already available for plib to
> > OSG.
> No objections and other comments since the patches were published
> on 2007/06/20. Because of the nearing release (not that we have
> the slightest idea when this could be :-) and the nature of the
> patch I want to give developers one last chance to object: if
> nobody does that until tomorrow 2007/06/23 20:00 GMT, then I will:
> (a) apply those radar patches to sg and fg for osg and plib
> (b) comment out the "delete rt" in src/Instrumentation/od_gauge.cx:89
> PRO ------------------------------------------------------------
> + we have a nice c++ radar implementation in both branches, which
>   handles arbitrary numbers of AI/MP aircraft, ships, TACAN
>   emitting and other objects
> + we can drop the quite clumsy and limited & limiting XML radar
>   implementation
> + fixes a bug in AIManager (ask Vivian :-)
> + instantiates impact sub-submodels in correct order
> CONTRA ---------------------------------------------------------
> - bigger commit despite the near(?) release, with potential risk
>   to break something
>   BUT: + the patch touches only files that can hardly have side
>          effects on other subsystems, and isn't executed at all
>          when aircraft without od_gauge/radar are used (which
>          is the vast majority). So even if there'd be problems,
>          they would only affect the E3B, the T38(?), and ... the
>          harrier? And even then one could comment out the radar
>          instrument in the XML file and avoid all problems.
>        + the patches were tested by, at least, Vivian, AJ,
>          Csaba "Jester"(?) and me, and found functional and not
>          causing problems, except the following (AJ and I):
> - requires to comment out the destruction of the RTT class to
>   avoid crashes on exit on (some?) nVidia cards. That's hackish,
>   BUT: + that's exactly what the 3D clouds are doing since years!
>          They don't destruct the RTT class either! Nobody has
>          reported problems that could be linked to that, none
>          of the developers has observed such problems (AFAIK).
>        + that's exactly what the TestRenderTexture.cxx test
>          application by the very author of the RenderTexture
>          class does. He doesn't destruct the class either (except
>          before creating a new one during mode changes on user
>          request).
>        + it can be assumed that the card frees this resource
>          like all others, when the context is destroyed, so the
>          buggy freeing operation via glXDestroyPbuffer() should
>          be optional in this case.
> m.

Hi , I vote for adding it , and I've had that shutdown error since I first used 
the wxradar ,it's not a new one here...
Just my 2 cents worth :).

syd & sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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