Harald JOHNSEN schrieb:
> Ralf Gerlich wrote:
>> This is currently a local project. I am manually fetching the respective
>> Landsat tiles (ETM+, 8 channels) and do manual training by marking some
>> representative areas of different types. The goal is - as I said - to
>> integrate this with OSGeo, who are also interested in the resulting
>> data, and to use such data for the whole world to replace the polygonal
>> features of VMAP0.
> The thread is mainly about land use classification, but what about roads 
> and rivers ? vmap0 is really inacurate and it's a pain to fly vfr 
> (following road). Not only a lot of features are missing but most of 
> those visible are off by a great distance. And then it's also difficult 
> to add landmarks to the scenary because there is no accurate reference 
> point to help positioning objects. Will we use osm in the future ? And 
> since osm is far from being exhaustif how to make a choice of wich one 
> between osm and vmap to use to generate a tile ?
> HJ.
Hi Harald,

OSM is a very fast developing project in Europe, Great Britain is
leading, in the Netherlands and Germany there are nice activities, all
surrounding countries need some more volunteers. No  big activity in the
US. So for Europe it seems to be good source for FlightGear data in the
This was my special interest that made me buy a Garmin 12 GPS some
months ago at eBay and make some contributions to the project.
JOSM is a really nice product to edit your data loggings before
uploading. Especially the background Landsat 7 option is very nice to
digitize data you otherwise never would have gotten.
Only, as Martin reported, the cooperation between the group and
interested FG developers is a little difficult. But solutions can be
found, I am sure.
I am a big fan of the OSM idea.

Georg EDDW

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