Hash: SHA512

None of the deps seems to exist on gentoo. I can't find these in portage at all:
asterix, libiaxclient, axclient (or under any other name I can think of)
portaudio is is only in version 18 not 19

Could you maybe provide links the the websites for all of the deps so users of
other distros can find them...


Jon Stockill wrote:
> Holger Wirtz wrote:
>> Jon,
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 10:38:42AM +0100, Jon Stockill wrote:
>> [...]
>>> The major obstacle to building this on any other platform (even any 
>>> other linux distribution) is your use of the debian libgsm1 package. The 
>>> upstream source for this builds *only* a static library - fgcom expects 
>>> this to be available as a dynamic lib. I've got an etch machine 
>>> available, so I'll try building on that later.
>> Thanks for feedback!
>> I tried to get a static binary of fgcom but I failed with libiaxclient
>> getting linked staticaly.
>> I am not a good C programmer... maybe I should try to link against the
>> static libgsm? How to do this?
> I have absolutely no idea - I'm not a programmer either.
> If you're not using any of the compressed voice codecs is it possible to 
> build libiaxclient without support for them? That'd significantly reduce 
> the number of dependencies.
> Jon
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