On Fri, 2 Nov 2007 22:24:42 -0400
"David Megginson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think it's great that FlightGear added head lag to the sim -- it's a
> good alternative when the pilot can't feel forces -- but I think we'd
> do better to model it based on perceived forces, not on roll/yaw/pitch
> damping. For example, simply entering a coordinated bank gently
> shouldn't cause any head movement at all, but flying straight in a
> forward slip should, because there's a yaw force pulling the head
> slightly sideways.  Likewise, while the pilot is perceiving < 1G the
> head should move up a bit, and while the pilot is perceiving > 1G, the
> head should move down a bit.
> Would anyone object to my checking in some changes over the next week
> or two to change this?  We can always roll them back if they don't
> work.
> All the best,
> David

I had at one point an eyepoint  up and down movement based on g forces , sounds 
like what your talking about , but several people claimed that it was 
unrealistic.... it was mainly , for my purpose, to "feel" runway contact .... 
some aircraft dont screech their tires loud enough ;)
Im not sure how else one is supposed to simulate those effects , but obvoiusly 
my method didn't fly ...
Looking at videos taken by passengers , you can certainly see these forces ... 
and as a passenger , I have definately sunk in my seat .... ( no head springs 
involved ), so I still use it myself ...


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