
> Sent: 03 November 2007 02:25
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Fixing head lag
> I think it's great that FlightGear added head lag to the sim 
> -- it's a good alternative when the pilot can't feel forces 
> -- but I think we'd do better to model it based on perceived 
> forces, not on roll/yaw/pitch damping. For example, simply 
> entering a coordinated bank gently shouldn't cause any head 
> movement at all, but flying straight in a forward slip 
> should, because there's a yaw force pulling the head slightly 
> sideways.  Likewise, while the pilot is perceiving < 1G the 
> head should move up a bit, and while the pilot is perceiving 
> > 1G, the head should move down a bit.
> Would anyone object to my checking in some changes over the 
> next week or two to change this?  We can always roll them 
> back if they don't work.

As Melchior said, the head-shake mechanism does indeed regard the head as a
mass and a (damped) spring, but it's a bit more sophisticated than that -
the resistance of the neck muscles are modelled as well. (The distance moved
in various directions are measured from my own body strapped into a 4 point
harness - YMMV). I think that aspect is quite well simulated. The original
code was written by Josh Babcock, but the math was heavily modified by me.
The code structure could do with review and revision. I keep on meaning to
make this more sophisticated by stabilizing the eye viewpoint, but never got
around to it. While theoretically necessary, I'm not absolutely sure that
would improve the appearance of the simulation much.



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