Hi all,

I've been experiencing some more weird behaviour from pid 
controllers and filters.

I had a pid controller that was working ok (but had some room for 
further fine-tuning) but after amending the config and re-loading 
the autopilot it seemed to be working randomly.  I reverted back to 
the original values and re-loaded again but still got the same 
random behaviour.

Along with this I was also monitoring a moving-spike filter that was 
filtering the output from the pid controller, but which I wasn't 
actually using, and saw it appear to start oscillating at around a 
value of zero even though the pid controller output, and therefore 
the filter input, had swung over and clamped to one of it's max/min 
limits.  If I disabled the pid controller the filter immediately 
started to work correctly and the filter out swung to match the 
input.  Re-enabling the pid controller resulted in the filter 
oscillation resuming even though the pid controller output didn't 
seem to change.

Also, as I was thinking about this I noticed that the oscillating 
output seemed to be slowly drifting towards the correct value and 
couldn't help wonder if re-loading the autopilot was creating new 
instances of the pid controller without removing the old ones.

I've had a look at the relevant code but as I'm not up on c++ I'm 
not sure about what I'm looking at but at lines 798-802 there's:

void FGXMLAutopilot::reinit() {

I could find init() & build() and thought that components.clear() 
must be what removes old instances and must be a more generic 
function.  However, when I grepped through the SimGear & FlightGear 
source the only occurrence I could find of this function was at 
that single point in xmlauto.cxx.  I then searched for 
components.clear() in C/C++ reference manuals on the web and didn't 
find anything there either.  Perhaps I just wasn't looking in the 
right place though.

In any case, it seems strange to me that if components.clear() is a 
generic function, it's only used in this one place in the entire 
SG/FG source.

I might be barking up the wrong tree entirely here, but I can't see 
what else might be causing the behaviour I'm seeing.


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