On Friday 11 January 2008 23:49, LeeE wrote:
> On Friday 11 January 2008 21:50, Curtis Olson wrote:
> > On Jan 11, 2008 3:14 PM, Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
> > > On Friday 11 January 2008, LeeE wrote:
> > > > I've had a look at the relevant code but as I'm not up on
> > > > c++ I'm not sure about what I'm looking at but at lines
> > > > 798-802 there's:
> > > >
> > > > void FGXMLAutopilot::reinit() {
> > > >     components.clear();
> > > >     init();
> > > >     build();
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > I could find init() & build() and thought that
> > > > components.clear() must be what removes old instances and
> > > > must be a more generic function.  However, when I grepped
> > > > through the SimGear & FlightGear source the only occurrence
> > > > I could find of this function was at that single point in
> > > > xmlauto.cxx.  I then searched for components.clear() in
> > > > C/C++ reference manuals on the web and didn't find anything
> > > > there either.  Perhaps I just wasn't looking in the right
> > > > place though.
> > > >
> > > > In any case, it seems strange to me that if
> > > > components.clear() is a generic function, it's only used in
> > > > this one place in the entire SG/FG source.
> > >
> > > Actually it's only the clear() part that it "generic".
> > > clear() is a method of
> > > the vector template.
> > >
> > > > I might be barking up the wrong tree entirely here, but I
> > > > can't see what else might be causing the behaviour I'm
> > > > seeing.
> > >
> > > Try commenting out the call to build() from the code that you
> > > quoted above.
> > > build() is called inside init(), so there should be no need
> > > to call it again
> > > after init().
> >
> > I suspect the build() is there so you can change the autopilot
> > config file while flying and reload it.  That way you don't
> > need to restart the sim to fiddle with the gains.
> >
> > Curt.
> I'll give what Roy suggests a try - build() is called from within
> init() and build() creates new controller, predictor and filter
> nodes (if I'm interpreting it correctly).  If it's being called
> twice, after clear() then it might explain something.
> No problem to give it a try - I'll post back after re-compiling.
> LeeE

Spoke too soon - I thought I'd update SG & FG from cvs before trying 
this and now FG won't get past the 'loading scenery objects' phase.  
Setting --log-level=info seems to show FG looping while displaying 
lots of:

Processing registration HA-LHA with callsign MAH096/5

type messages, which seem to be repeated over & over.

It'll have to wait until the morning now:(


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