* Mike Schuh -- Wednesday 20 February 2008:
> Not sure how to incorporate sun_angle for values < 0
> (i.e., night).  Moon? 

I doubt that the moon has much influence (although it slightly
deforms the Earth surface). The sun angle effect is already
contained in the other values, as well as in the light setup.

> ground_cover might allow for dusty areas v. urban settings, etc.

The METAR stations are almost always on the airport, so the
material that you would get is "tarmac" or similar. Searching
around and doing lots of intersection tests only to possibly
detect a city, and to find out how big it is, isn't feasible.
Unfortunately, there's not the slightest hint at the smog
level available in fgfs.

And as I wrote already: the METAR data set is much too
unprecise to add sophisticated factors. A few km more
or less is really pointless, and their correctness could
neither be verified with the data set, nor in real life.

* Thomas Förster -- Thursday 21 February 2008:
> I'd appreciate pre processed data (i.e. temps, etc. already parsed
> from the metar reports), but a text file with raw metar reports
> is also ok. Just takes longer as I've to write a parser first

You can download METAR data for the last 24 hours here:


And if you pipe such files through the attached program

  $ grep "^[A-Z]" <*Z.TXT|metar_data >sample.data

then you get a tab separated list of values, as in

  8046.71 14      13      1015.92 93.7018 5.14444

which is:

  1. visibility [m]
          2. temperature [C]
                  3. dewpoint [C]
                          4. pressure [hPa]
                                  5. rel. Humidity [%]
                                          6. windspeed [m/s]

The dewpoint isn't interesting as isolated value, and it's
contained in the rel. humidity already. I can make my data
set available, of course, but it's nothing else than the above,
and I think you are better served with the original sources
and tools.  :-)

> I'd like to try some math on them [...]
> If nothing useful comes up, as a last resort we can [...]

Sounds good and is far more than I would have done. But don't
make it too complicated, even though it won't be performance
critical code (only run once per minute). It's just not worth
trying to get precision out of a one hour old set of data, where
some elements are already simplified (temperatures) or very
roughly estimated (visibility), and where the most important
parts are missing altogether (particle density - smog!).

> As a very last (but quickest) resort a conservative setting
> is perfectly ok :) 

Exactly.  :-)


Attachment: metar.tar.bz2
Description: application/tbz

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