Hi Melchior,

thanks for your feedback. I am taking this to the developers' list.

To everyone else, I am referring to this mail on the users' list:


Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> The question is, however, if we don't want to put all airport
> data into one file, in which case the fourth dir level would
> be superfluous.

Merging the tower and threshold files would be possible, but I would
oppose merging them with the parking files for two reasons.

Reason One is organisational: The parking files are based on direct
manual work and are created directly by TaxiDraw, while the tower and
threshold files are from the apt.dat. Combining them would mix
automatically derived and manually generated content, making management
of the data much more complex.

I see strong arguments in favour of keeping the connection to apt.dat.
Although currently the v810 files are not maintained any more by Robin
Peel, we will eventually move on to v850 and then be synchronised with
the X-Plane Community again. (BTW: There is an open position at the
World Custom Scenery Project for implementing v850 in TerraGear ;-) )

I also do not see any chance in general to push an XML format to Robin
Peel and the X-Plane-Community. Keep in mind that the files distributed
with the scenery contain only a small fraction of the data contained in
the apt.dat (which should already lead to an increase in speed).
Taxiways, markings and other details are not re-distributed. For this
kind of data, the current apt.dat-format is a good compromise between
compressing the representation and making it user-editable.

Reason Two is technical: The parking files are currently not in
PropertyList format. I know that this has been subject of fierce
discussion, which I have no interest in repeating. As long as nobody
comes up with a patch making the AI code use a PropertyList format,
converting the old files and informing me so that I can update TaxiDraw
accordingly, we will probably also have a non-PropertyList-format for
the AI files in the next FlightGear release. But then Reason One would
still exist.

Now it all boils down to the tower and threshold files. These are
typically pretty small, so that the overhead for parsing two files
instead of one file should be negligible. Further there should be very
seldomly a case where we need the information from both files at the
same time, e.g. when teleporting to another airport, thereby changing
the tower view position.

Merging them in time for the next release would mean that we'd have to
do another scenery release. Such a release - with some further bugfixes
regarding the terrain - is planned, but not before end of November due
to time constraints on Martin's and my side (preparing to get my Ph.D.
thesis submitted). If we were to make a release this year, this would
leave not much more than three or two weeks for properly testing this
change in the wild. If things go wrong on the scenery side, we might be
just in time for the FlightGear release.

So if there is a strong argument in favour of the changes you proposed,
I'm open to such a last-minute change, but otherwise I'd rather leave
the structure as it is. The last time we fixed scenery in the last
minute we had a good share of chaos ensue (which happens to have been
just about one year ago).

I'd also like to add that a sample of the structure as proposed has been
in the FlightGear data CVS for quite some time, containing data for the
KSFO area, ready to be commented. IIRC this was also explicitly
mentioned in the CVS logs.

Ralf Gerlich              | World Custom Scenery Project
Computer Scientist        | http://www.custom-scenery.org/

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