* Ralf Gerlich -- 11/1/2008 7:35 PM:
> Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> > The question is, however, if we don't want to put all airport
> > data into one file, in which case the fourth dir level would
> > be superfluous.
> Merging the tower and threshold files would be possible, but I would
> oppose merging them with the parking files for two reasons. [...]

OK. I had assumed that merging and separate maintenance would be the
reasons. No problem with that. This was only a final remark, not an

> So if there is a strong argument in favour of the changes you proposed,
> I'm open to such a last-minute change, but otherwise I'd rather leave
> the structure as it is.

Err ... everything, even the ugly:  Airports/K/S/F/KSFO.whatever.xml?
I *hate* that! So the "proposal" was a "take it or leave it"? With
no chance for fellow developers to ask for modifications? This is


Isn't the KSFA prefix a pretty strong hint that this should be a
separate directory A?

> The last time we fixed scenery in the last minute we had a good share
> of chaos ensue (which happens to have been just about one year ago).

Understandable, but then make proposals at a time where it's still
possible to change details. Otherwise just post it to
flightgear-announcements mailing list. (Yes, we have such a list,
or used to.)  :-P

> I'd also like to add that a sample of the structure as proposed has been
> in the FlightGear data CVS for quite some time, containing data for the
> KSFO area, ready to be commented. IIRC this was also explicitly
> mentioned in the CVS logs.

Huh? I don't see that in cvs:  http://cvs.flightgear.org/viewvc/data/Airports/

I object to a solution with crappy directory layout.


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