On Sat, 22 Nov 2008 13:19:40 +0100, Melchior wrote in message 

> * KcKpers Ltd -- Saturday 22 November 2008:
> > I will remove any images if you notify me that you wish them
> > to be removed. 
> No! Remove all of them, unless someone gives you explicit
> permission to use them! You don't have any permission so
> far! You are violating our rights and international 

..actually, it's local to each and every country, but it 
works pretty much the same, jail and tremble damages and 
disgorgement and all.  ;o)

> copyright law! Copyright doesn't work on an "opt-out"
> basis!

..it's really "_Comply_ to the GPL, _OR_, Face the 
Teeth and Wrath of Copyright Law Enforcement."

> > If flight gear is under a GPL license, does this not mean
> > work created with the use of flight gear is also under this
> > license if it an output of this software
> No! My editor is GPL, but what I write with it is not!

..except if you write FG etc code and commit it into cvs, svn 
or git etc so it gets into FG, I rather strongly suspect you 
would own it and commit it under the GPL, and I haven't seen
anyone here do that under GPLv3, so the GPLv2 would require 
Sean, James, Andrew et al to come kneeling to Melchior and 
Curt et al like Heinrich IV came kneeling to Pope Gregory VII 
in Canossa, and ask for explicit permission to start distributing 
FlightGear etc, _after_ they have apologized and paid e.g. 
tremble damages to fix the damage they have caused FG.

..should e.g. Melchior decide "No." like the Pope did (in the 
first 3 days) at Fortress Canossa, then Sean, James, Andrew et 
al must remove _all_ of Melchior's code from their re-branded
commercial version of FG and supply that version to _all_ of 
their customers or gift etc recipients.  Etc. 

..function and use is irrelevant under the GPL, the 
GPL and copyright law merely concerns Copyright.  ;o)

..and Melchior as copyright owner may want to try out
that Thomas so promptly adviced me of. ;o)

..on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 09:12:27 -0500, Thomas advices in message 

> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 9:25 PM, Arnt Karlsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> So, let's look at what actions should be taken.  Given that I am
> >> not a copyright owner, I have nothing at stake beyond community
> >> membership.
> > ..me neither.  ;o)
>   Actually, he's got a lot more at stake.  Namely, if he is not
> complying with the license, then he has no license.  So any money made
> is at state, plus potential punative damages.
> >> Regarding flightgear, I am still trying to connect the dots on how
> >> we can be sure there is a GPL violation.
> > ..aye, first I'd like to carry on find and verify such verifiable
> > facts.
>   This is VERY simple.  Is there a written offer to get the source
> code required to rebuild the application as they ship it?  Yes, or no.
>  *all* the source code.  If no, then they have sold products.  While I
> am not a lawyer, obviously, this is pretty straitforward in a case of
> blatant repackaging and re-branding.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;o)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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