Hi All,


I hope this gets to the correct place and I am very sorry if it does not.


It was recently bought to my attention that there appears to be an issue
with a website I have recently created. www.flight-aviator.com


This website uses the source code from the flight gear project and sells it.


>From reviewing the GPL it appears this is able to be done as long as I do
not limit others from doing the same, and either supply the source code with
the persons purchase, or have a valid offer for them to obtain the source
code. (to clear up this matter it is supplied on the CD the purchaser


As per the selling it under a different name, well I am actually in the
process of compiling the game etc under this new name (basically re-branding
this which I understand is also within the terms of the GPL)


Once again source code, licenses etc will be supplied to the final


I have also included in the website text itself that this is the case so as
not to deceive people.


Please have a look under features (last two points)


Based on the award winning Flight Gear project


All from the thriving Open Source Community, this sim is forever changing


No I am not a lawyer or pretend to be one and if there is something that I
have done incorrectly, or something that can be done better, I am willing to
fix this.


Once this goes live I also wanted to contribute some funds to the project
developers, or perhaps put it towards a new website I have heard they are
after. This will be a percentage of the actual profit I receive. I
understand I do not need to do this but I want this sim to be the best
around for obvious reasons.


But as I mentioned I am still awaiting the code to be fixed and compiled so
it is not fully complete as of yet.


I am sure that some people believe that selling open source software is not
correct, but it appears the license allows this therefore there is a good
reason for people to be able to do this.


I am sure many people will have comments, however please remember that I do
not want to mislead anyone, do anything illegal or break the terms of the
GPL etc etc, I am positive I am not but would welcome any comments you may
have if you think I am


If I wanted to hide I would never have worked out how to send this to the
site for viewing.


I will also try to answer what you want to know and even look at a better
way of portraying this software if this is necessary to keep the peace.











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