Hi All,

Attached is yet another patch for 3D clouds. Could someone please apply it to 

This provides the following enhancements & bug fixes
- Fix the chequer-board bug.
- Add proper cloud coverage function - so scattered clouds are now truly 
- Add real-time control for visibility range.
- Use a limited set of clouds rather than generating a completely new Geode for 
each cloud. This saves sorting and display time.
- Add controls to Rendering dialog to allow fine-tuning of the number of 
sprites, cloud visibility and the number of different types of cloud.
- Add some variance to the sort back-off to avoid all clouds being sorted at 
the same time.
- Pack attributes into vectors for performance
- Re-order the cloud type determination code so that if a cloud layer could 
either be stratus or cumulus, cumulus is used.
- Lowered the cloud level in the standard cloud configuration slightly so a 
cumulus layer is generated rather than stratus.

These last two mean that you should see some 3D cumuli if disabling real 
weather fetch.

My thanks to Yon Uriarte for his help with performance work.

On my system, this has saved around 10fps - I'm now getting around 38fps 
instead of 28fps.

As always, feedback is appreciated.



Attachment: clouds.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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