On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Martin Spott wrote:

> "Curtis Olson" wrote:
> > I could easily be doing something wrong, or have inherited some
> > configuration setting from a previous version, but before today's patch I
> > had 3d clouds, and now I do not.  This is with OSG 2.7.5.  Is there
> anything
> > I can quickly double check?
> The current weather !?  ;-)
> I just experienced a similar effect and after switching the startup
> position from KSFO to EHAM I got the clouds back ....

I did think of that after scratching my head a while ... the metar reported
several cloud layers and I did try to switch to a new location as well as
switching to fair weather and thunderstorm ... I did get snow and rain, but
with a perfectly clear sky.

I can try to re-cvs update and re-compile things again if other people are
working with todays patches ...

Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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