On samedi 13 décembre 2008, John Denker wrote:
> On 12/12/2008 09:36 AM, Durk Talsma wrote:
> > Please find FlightGear 1.99.5-RC2 ready for download. In order to relieve
> > my humble server, John Wojnaroski has kindly provided some space on his
> > server to host the source and base package. Please find the relevant
> > files here:
> >
> > http://www.lfstech.com/pub/flightgear/
> Wow, that's a very significant increase in speed and convenience.
> Thanks.
> > If all goes well, I would like  to prepare the final release version next
> > Friday. Until that time please hold back on committing anything risky,
> > and give these prereleases a decent workout. Let's try to make this the
> > best FlightGear release yet. :-)
> There are two possible approaches:
>   a) Make a list of things that need to be checked, or
>   b) Set a date.
> Given that nobody is being paid to get everything checked by
> any particular date, it is likely that these two approaches
> will produce very different results.
>   a) If you want a quality release, stick to the checklist.

Yes, which is the coming up  question.
We may hope, and pray, that everything would be right, NOW.
(though, we know that there is a 3DClouds difficulty)

OR, wait for that coming stable 2.8 OSG version, and ask to any  users, with 
any configuration to test fully that FG version.
 I can be alone to think that there is a lot of users who are still working 
with the last stable OSG version ( i have friends in that case).
If yes, these users have not been able,  along the past weeks,  to test the 
last FG updates ( like i was not, until, recently, i could get a free 
computer to   build a specific FG configuration).
In addition to it, the boost library being now necessary, they could have some 
difficulties (the first time)  to build FG.
That could lead to a necessary delay before getting some useful feedback, and 
the coming period is not the best, holiday period, people could be far from 
any computer, and giving the priority to the family life.

>   b) If you want a release soon, stick to the date.
> Your choice.




J'ai décidé d'être heureux parce que c'est bon pour la santé. 

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